By Catherine Cushing, Specialty Cheese Manager
If you happen to be in downtown Lancaster and feel like taking a lovely drive out into the countryside, you might go up Middle St, take a left onto Grange Rd., follow Grange Rd thru to Pleasant Valley Rd, take another left onto Rowell Rd and at about 1⁄2 mile in on the left, you will come upon the homestead and enterprise of Morgan Hill, owner of Mount Cabot
Mount Cabot, the tallest mountain in the Pilot Range of the White Mountains, is the site of the organic sugarbush where Morgan and her team collect sap in the early spring and reduce the
sap in a traditional wood-fired boiler to produce a single source, unadulterated and exceptional maple syrup, maple cream and dry maple sugar.
In 2020, Morgan purchased MountCabot Maple from Biff Wyman, a longtime and famed sugarmaker, who reached the decision to sell the business after the 2016 and 2017 devastating Forest Tent Caterpillar infestation defoliated thousands of trees, resulting in a 62% decline in syrup production. Morgan was raised on this property and is a passionate steward of the land. She knows that in their lifetime she will not witness a full forest recovery, but is still committed to employing best practices and lots of hard work (much of it done on snowshoes) to achieve the best outcome.
We at the Littleton Food Co-op are happy to support Mount Cabot Maple and to offer these fine products to our customers. The Mount Cabot sugarbush has been in operation under one sugar maker or another since the 1860’s and we suggest that you visit the informative and engaging Mount Cabot Maple website to learn more about the history and geography of this special place in our world and the people behind this outstanding product.
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