Our Co-op’s Board of Directors meets once a month to discuss “big picture” plans, review our organizational well-being, and form committees to handle special projects. There are nine directors, who each serve 3-year terms. While our store managers handle day-to-day decisions like discounts, finances, staffing, purchasing, and operations, the Board works on major policies and long-term initiatives, and advises our General Manager via Policy Governance.
Come to a Board Meeting
Our Board is elected by our Co-op Members, so they represent YOU! Members are always welcome to attend and observe board meetings, send input, and ask questions. Lately our meetings have been held on zoom, and hopefully soon we’ll meet in person. We announce upcoming meetings in The Weekly Radish, which is available in print in our front entryway, and as a weekly email newsletter. We take careful notes at every meeting, so that our Members know what is happening at the Co-op. You can find recent meeting minutes here.
If you’d like to attend a meeting, just send us an RSVP via email: board@littletoncoop.org
Vote in the Board Election
If you’re a full Member with 4 or more shares, you are eligible to vote in our annual Board Election. Elections are typically held in late April and early May, just before our Annual Meeting. Each year 3 seats become available; the candidates include incumbent directors and members with 4 or more shares in the Co-op. Democratic Member Participation is a crucial part of being a Cooperative, so we urge all of our Members to vote!
Click here to learn more about our annual Board Election and learn how to vote.
Become a Board Director
All Members* are eligible to apply to become a Candidate and participate in our Board Election each Spring. Serving on the Board can be rewarding and fun, but it’s also important. Littleton Food Co-op’s Board of Directors plays a critical role in representing the Co-op’s Members in developing and maintaining the vision and long-term viability of the Cooperative. We’re always looking for passionate, committed community members to help us lead the Co-op!
*Reminder – Board Directors must be Full Members and own at least 4 Shares; if you’re elected and you have less than 4 Shares, you’ll need to upgrade your Membership!
Learn more about becoming a Board Director here.
Talk to The Board
As we said, the Board of Directors represents YOU! If you have a question, concern, or idea that you’d like to share with the Board, please reach out anytime via email: board@littletoncoop.org
Our Annual Report, Financial Reports, Bylaws, Meeting Minutes, and other governance documents are all available online. Some items are archived, and can be accessed by request.
Read our governing documents and reports here.
Current Board of Directors

Deb Rossetti-Sullivan, President
Deb has spent a lifetime in the culinary industry, from family grocery stores to eateries. She’s a semi-retired Certified Executive Chef and has owned and operated her own restaurants, cafes, catering businesses, and as a specialty shop. She was the first and only woman executive chef for the Appalachian Mountain Club, and has written for food blogs as well as a cookbook. Deb is also deeply involved with the drowning prevention initiative Infant Swimming Resource. In her spare time, Deb enjoys hiking, kayaking, biking, and fronting her band, The Barnyard Incident.

Timothy Healey, Vice President
Timothy believes the Littleton Co-op is a tremendous community resource, and he wants to leverage his skills as a business leader to ensure the Co-op continues to provide a wonderful experience for its members, employees, and customers. It’s so important that the co-op continues to support local farmers, because they are run by families, not mega-conglomerates, and these families need our support. Eating food that is sourced locally is more delicious, nutritious, and better for the environment.

Vanessa Robbins, Director
Vanessa is a public health hygienist at Ammonoosuc Community Health Services with lots of experience connecting communities with whole foods, nutrition, and overall wellbeing. Much of her patient care goes beyond oral health, and includes nutrition as a means to promote wellness for people of all ages. She loves the community here, and has lots of fresh ideas for the co-op, including using her position on the Board to explore regional food options and make it easier for everyone to get the nutrition they need.

Danielle Shaw, Director
Danielle is a current employee here at the co-op, where most everyone knows her as Dani. She has worked in customer service for five years, nearly always in some sort of educational capacity. Dani describes herself as an environmentalist and conservationist who is always looking for new and innovative ways to reduce our environmental impact and to help to protect our planet. groups, and fostering cooperation among cooperatives.

Sam Brown, Director
Sam has spent 13 years as the manager at Meadowstone Farm in Bethlehem, NH, working with an incredible team growing local food. He combines his passion for sustainable agriculture with his education background to promote the importance of local food. Sam has been shopping at the Co-op since the beginning, often with one or all three of his children. When not farming, he enjoys adventuring in the White Mountains with his family.

Mitra Karimian, Director
As an Iranian American, food has always been a way that Mitra has been able to share her culture with others. The co-op has been more than just a shopping experience for her and has been one of her stronger connections to my community. She is a full-time resident of Bethlehem along with her spouse Stefan, and her daughter, Parisa. She works as a science teacher and is passionate about the outdoors, her community, education, social justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, sustainability, and food accessibility.

Charise Baker, Director
Charise, originally from the Midwest, arrived in New England in 1988 and started her 35+ year career in the supermarket industry. Charise has been associated with the Co-op for 14 years, from serving on the board to becoming a multi-positional employee. During her time at the Co-op, Charise helped establish policies and procedures used to build a strong foundation for the Co-op’s future growth. Since her retirement in 2024, Charise has enjoyed traveling, seeing her children more often, and spending summer time with her granddaughter at the lake.

Robert “Bob” Goss, Director
Bob is known for being one of our staff’s most cheerful and gregarious cashiers, and is always ready with a joke and a story. During his varied and interesting life, he has worked in everything from customer service, retail management, food manufacturing, and operating his own business. He has a deep interest in the Co-op’s governance, operations, and marketing, as well as our partnerships with other cooperatives in the community. Bob feels strongly that the Co-op is integral to our local food system, and would love to see us develop more partnerships in the community.

Molly O’Brien, Director
Molly is a college academic advisor, a former teacher, and nonprofit professional. She is passionate about cooperatives, sustainable food systems, local economies, and environmental policy. She has served on the board of the Onion River Co-op in Burlington, VT and the Neighboring Food Co-op Association. Molly grew up in Maine and Vermont and moved to the North Country in 2023. She loves hiking, gardening, knitting, and spending time with her family and two dogs.